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Liam Quinn

Youth Programs Director


Liam grew up in New York City and lived in Washington DC while attending Georgetown University. As a student, Liam dedicated his studies to learning about race, colonialism and empire, involved in movement organizing. His lived experience as an Afro-Panamanian has informed and motivated much of his social justice work. In 2020, Liam got heavily involved in racial justice and tenant organizing, supporting residents of color to fight against displacement and gentrification.

Liam’s experience working in youth development has also been rooted in racial equity, working in college preparation and afterschool programs dedicated to supporting black and brown, low-income students in the city. As a Program Assistant at the Institute for College Preparation, Liam connected high school students to college resources and provided peer and emotional support. At Global Kids, an international relations program for young people, Liam equipped students with critical research and professional development skills but also emphasized the importance of learning about global injustices and environmentalist movements.

As the Youth Programs Director, Liam enjoys facilitating the personal development of young people and offering the necessary resources to develop their capacity and skills as community leaders and organizers. He’s excited to continue to move forward the Teens Lead at Work campaign for Healthy Schools and work with young people so that they can lead the way for changes they want to see in their communities and schools.