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MassCOSH Rallies Around May Day

On May 1, May Day, also known as International Workers’ Day, MassCOSH could be found throughout the Boston area as we joined with our allies to pay tribute to the power of workers and to highlight the demands working people have to achieve a more just and equitable place to labor and live.  

At rallies on Boston Common and in Chelsea, MassCOSH staff used the day to remind the public that too many of our working brothers and sisters labor in a shadow economy where basic rights are held out of reach by selfish employers. Never before has corporate greed been so deadly as in the last year when thousands of workers had to report to their jobs with inadequate protections as a deadly virus spread. Decades of disinvestment in the institutions we depend on made the situation worse, leaving us with unhealthy school buildings and state and federal agencies that are unable to protect the workers they promised to keep from harm.  

On May Day, we renewed our vow to use this once-in-a-lifetime tragedy to reshape what good, safe jobs really means, and to expand the movement now that so many of us understand the deadly impact of unsafe workplaces.